What is in the pipeline?

by co-founder Kate Matthews

If we fail to stop this project, North East Scotland will become an industrial wasteland.

We all know that I am prone to hyperbole and maybe my “every acre” quote from Question Time sounded a bit dramatic but read on to see why we are so alarmed.

What exactly is in the pipeline for Aberdeenshire & Angus – is it just pylons and a substation or is that just the beginning?

Early 2023, the National Grid energy connections queue stood at 300GW.

By March 2024, it was 600GW.

By April 2024, it was 700GW.

We need 275GW of additional capacity by 2050….

National Grid won’t tell us exactly where this 700+GW is going. They have said they know which areas are oversubscribed…

We know that Scot Gov has designated North East Scotland as the “renewable powerhouse”.

So it’s a fair assumption that a lot of those connections are heading our way.

Because the 120 acre Fiddes substation became a 721 acre Hurlie site to accommodate those newly promised connections.

Because local landowners are receiving multiple letters asking if they want to lease land for battery storage and solar to companies who have been promised grid connections in our area…

To understand the scale of land use, look at our big windfarms – Midhill wind farm generates 76MW, Tullo is 42MW, we know how big they are. The BESS/solar letters are asking for 100+ acres each.

Our countryside is in deep trouble, read the links in the comments below if you would like references to support my conclusions.

National Grid, SSEN, our politicians – namely you, Stephen Flynn MP – aren’t answering the questions because the answers will cause riots. He could have taken the piss out of me, he could have shot me down in flames and explained why I’m wrong. He ran away. What does that tell you?

The developers don’t want you to know until it’s too late but the evidence is publicly available. They are relying on us not putting it together.

We are not stupid, we will not let you destroy our countryside, our home, to facilitate massive over generation and storage of that excess power for export so that speculators can get rich at our expense.