The story so far…

In 2022, SSEN Transmission launched its East Coast 400kV Phase 2 upgrade Reinforcement Project. These proposals include a new overhead line from Kintore to Tealing as well as the Fetteresso (Hurlie) 400kV substation, which are likely to have a devastating impact on the Mearns.

Save Our Mearns aims to bring the community together to campaign against the project and to demonstrate the long term impact on our natural environment and our lives.

We are working with other groups along the Kintore to Tealing line as we believe that we are more likely to succeed if we combine our efforts where we can.


June 2024

SSEN Transmission is holding the second of its statutory pre-application consultation events for their proposed Hurlie 400kV substation project

  • Monday 10 June, 2-7pm at Auchenblae Village Hall, Auchenblae, AB30 1XQ
  • Tuesday 11 June, 2-7pm at Drumlithie Village Hall, Drumlithie, AB39 3YT
  • Thursday 13 June, 2-7pm at Stonehaven Town Hall, Stonehaven, AB39 2BU

April 2024

Feedback period for March public consultation period for proposed Hurlie 400kV substation closes on 30 April

March 2024

Public consultation period started for proposed Hurlie 400kV substation project, with events held in Stonehaven (11 March) and Drumlithie (19 March).

Public events held on Kintore-Tealing 400kV OHL in Tannadice (5 March), Forfar (6 March), Tealing (7 March), Brechin (12 March) Echt (13 March)

Kintore-Tealing 400kV new route consultation event held in Laurencekirk (14 March), Drumlithie (19 March), Drumoak (20 March), Auchenblae (21 March)


December 2023

Consultation reports published by SSEN Transmission

In them, they commit “to minimise and mitigate local and environmental impacts wherever possible, looking to avoid population centres, historical landmarks and Scotland’s most precious environmental designations and landscapes” (SSEN managing director Rob McDonald).

They acknowledge 3,236 pieces of written feedback.

On the Fiddes substation plans

“The feedback received demonstrated clear opposition to our Preferred Site Option from local residents and Community Councils. A number of concerns were raised relating to the Preferred Site Option including the likely impact on residential properties and local businesses, as well as visual impacts relating to the local landscape. Aberdeenshire Council expressed concern over the loss of prime agricultural land.”

The new site at Hurlie, in Fetteresso Forest is identified as the proposed location for the new substation, subject to feedback during the next round of engagement and consultation.

Hurlie substation location map

On the Kintore-Tealing overhead line plans

“Key concerns from local councils and members of the local community across each section related to the impact on local communities, landscape and environment, local amenities, businesses and tourism. It was noted that the proposed overhead line intersects landscapes of cultural heritage popular with visitors year-round.

Loss of prime agricultural land was raised by a number of different stakeholders including Community Councils, landowners and occupiers, members of the local community and The National Farmers Union of Scotland.

NatureScot highlighted that protected areas lie within or adjacent to route options, and that several sites located further away from the proposed routes may still be affected, particularly in relation to geese, which feed into the wider landscape.

Within Section B, between Forfar and Brechin, specific concerns were raised regarding impacts on the South Esk Special Area of Conservation and the Montrose Basin Special Protected Area. Flooding from the River South Esk was also raised as a concern by SEPA. Members of the local community were concerned about the proximity of the overhead line to the populated areas.

For Section F, between the River Dee and Kintore, specific concerns were raised in relation to the impact on residential areas such as Westhill and Peterculter. Concerns were also raised regarding the impact on the River Dee Special Area of Conservation, the Dee Valley Special Landscape Area and cultural heritage sites such as Drum Castle and Dunecht Estate, sites which are designated as a Garden and Designed Landscape.”

No changes are made to the Preferred Route Option between Tealing and Forfar, or Brechin and Laurencekirk. Some sections of the Preferred Route Options from Laurencekirk to River Dee via Fiddes were amended to incorporate the proposed move of the substation near Fiddes to a new proposed location at Hurlie in Fetteresso Forest. Four new overhead line Route Options are now being considered.

SSEN admits in the report they received some feedback “that our consultation process was not well promoted to affected communities or wider stakeholders” and “recognise that there is always room for improvement”.

July 2023

The feedback period from first consultations close and following the “strength of feeling amongst some individuals, groups and landowners” from first consultation events, SSEN extends the area of search for the new Fiddes substation “to seek to establish the potential for an alternative viable site”.

June 2023

SSEN extends the first consultation period from Friday 23 June until Friday 28 July.

May 2023

First public consultations

First public consultations take place to inform the community the East Coast 400kV Phase 2 Projects.

They are held in Kirkton of Skene (2 May), Ardoe House (3 May), Laurencekirk (4 May), Brechin (9 May), Kirriemuir (10 May), Tealing (11 May) as SSEN Transmission looks for feedback from local communities and all interested parties on the interim preferred routes for the proposed Kintore – Tealing 400kV Overhead Line.

Save Our Mearns is founded.


December 2022

SSEN Transmission launches its East Coast 400kV Phase 2 upgrade Reinforcement Project, setting out the key national infrastructure required to enable the connection of new clean green renewable energy in the east of Scotland to the GB grid.